Steve Jobs was famous not only for his creativity but also of prevailing upon his team members that the unreal could be real. He distorted reality to bend people to his will but you cannot fault him because he delivered what he had boastfully promised. This reality distortion feat has also become the new normal, none more obvious than the supposed recovery in the US housing market at a time when prices should be dropping with the ebbing credit quantity.
Housing or real estate is one economic sector that has generated a distorting effect on the true direction of the economy. Because house prices will always climb to stratospheric heights just preceding an economic depression, post-crisis house price drops exceeding more than 50% are typical. It's easy to see why house prices steeply climb in the first place. In the mad search for abnormal returns, housing is the last bastion offering such returns primarily because it's sheltered from foreign competition. Furthermore, most buyers steadfastly hold on to the view that land and buildings, like precious metals, are assets that won't depreciate in value. As a Mark Twain quote oft-used by real estate agents has it, "Buy land, they're not making it anymore."
One finance blog argues that the Case-Shiller home prices during the Great Depression are not actual sales data, but hypothesised. In fact, a study of home prices in Manhattan during the Great Depression found that prices dropped by 67%.
This big drop is more credible given the features of the mortgage at that time. Back then all mortgages were of short duration, from 5 to 10 years. A mortgage required a down-payment of one-third of the purchase price. Interest was paid every 6 months while the principal was paid in one lump sum, known as the balloon payment, at the end of the loan period. Usually instead of the balloon payment, the mortgage was rolled over into a new one at the prevailing interest rate. The banks also had a call provision inserted into the mortgage, so that they could at any time demand immediate payment. A severe credit crunch caused the banks to trigger that provision in the depths of the Great Depression, fostering the sharp descent in home prices.
To counter the lack of financing facilities, President Roosevelt, as part of his New Deal, created the Home Owners' Loan Corporation in 1933 to provide financing that stretched to 25 years. Another agency, the Federal Housing Administration, was set up the following year to guarantee loans made by the private sector for up to 30 years. That was how the present mortgage loans came to being. It doesn't mean that the new type of mortgage financing is resilient to any credit crisis. What it means is that instead of a sharp, sudden credit shock, you now get a long-drawn-out credit crisis that continues to hang in mid-air. Instead of a heart attack or a stroke, we now get cancer. The final outcome never differs.

About the Mark Twain quote that I mentioned earlier, there's a need to shed some light on Mark Twain, the person. Mark Twain was well-known for peppering his writings and quotes with satire. He lost a large share of his book profits, about $150,000 or $4 million in today's dollars, not on land deals but on the Paige Compositor, an automatic typesetting machine. I guess it would be amiss if I didn't include this quote of his: "Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as you please." Well, he never said that we should buy land because the price would keep on rising.
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